Cyber Monday Deal on Silk & Steel!
Today only, Silk & Steel is available for download on my website ( for only $5! Don't miss this chance to grab a...
Review From Jazz Profiles!
Here is a great review from Jazz Profiles! I am feeling grateful! "Sometimes coincidences are just that - coincidences, this despite the...
Sold out show at the Culture Center!
Had a great time at the Culture center the other night. A big thanks to everyone that came!!!
Here's a review from Jazz weekly!
Luke Hendon: Silk & Steel by George W. Harris • October 31, 2016 • 0 Comments Guitarist Luke Hendon delivers a winning and swinging album...
Here is a great review from Jazzscene magazine!
Silk and Steel; Luke Hendon, guitar If you lean in the direction of the charm, intimacy and very high musicianship of guitarist Django...